Welcome to our first blog post. This post will cover our birth story. We were a part of MGP with our 3rd baby which was my first completely uncomplicated pregnancy.
MGP Waterbirth
Tamara Hagger | Cherish Baby Boutique

22.11.22 – the date I was hoping our little man would join us (If you know me, you’ll know I’m a weirdo with numbers) although doubtful as we would only be 38+4 and Sebastian didn’t arrive until 39+5.
I woke this Tuesday morning and was greeted with my bloody show – the first sign I had of ‘labour’ with Sebastian.
I told Matt as he headed off to work that I thought today would be the day.
At around 2pm the tightenings began at about 15/20 minute intervals. Although very light, I knew they were more than the braxton hicks I had been having since 17 weeks. By 3pm they were jumping between 11 and 3 minutes apart but still no stronger. At this point I asked Matt to come home and my parents to come and pick Sebastian up. I knew I wanted to be relaxed at home and not stressed [about where everyone was] to help this labour progress smoothly.
By 6pm the contractions were getting stronger and lasting around a minute. I called the MGP midwife to check in and let her know what was happening. She decided to come and do a home visit to check where we were at and save us both a trip to the hospital if it wasn’t time yet.
I updated our student midwife and she was headed our way too. When the midwife arrived she asked if I wanted a cervical check to ‘see where we were at’. We were 3cm and almost fully effaced. I know vaginal checks are a very loose way of seeing where labour is at and to never let it affect your mindset of what’s to come.
Over the next hour we made sure we nourished our bodies (thanks Youfoodz), stayed hydrated, rolled on my gym ball and narrowed down our name list. This was the first baby we’d found out the gender of but the hardest to pick a name for, we still went through labour with 2 name options.
My contractions ramped up in intensity but remained irregular until 9.40pm when I had one that lasted 3 minutes. This prompted me to touch base with the midwife and student to organise heading in to the hospital. In labour with Sebastian I had a 6 minute contraction which then kicked me into regular 3 minutely contractions.
We arrived at the hospital at 10.30pm and were taken straight through to the birthing suite. Contractions on the drive in were still fluctuating between 2 and 4 minutely, but well and truely taking my breath away. I used some hypno-birthing techniques to help me cope, the main one I used was to remember that contractions are like waves, they come and they go but there is always a break between the sets – even if minimal.
I had planned to try for a waterbirth so we got the bath running and following MGP protocol for being able to get in I had to have another cervical check. I was 5cm but now fully effaced – I didn’t let this get me down as I know once you are 5cm things can happen very quickly.
Once I was in the bath I got in my zone, I leant on the edge of the bath, Matt held the shower on my back (his poor arm must have gotten tired) and I repeated my affirmations in my head to get me through – I think everyone thought the contractions had stopped and I had fallen asleep
A little after midnight I started to feel pressure and knew it was getting closer but I decided to listen to my body and wait until the fetal ejection reflex took over. AND HOLY MOLY, did it take over. When my body started pushing there was no stopping it.. 2 minutes later at 12.44am on the 23.11.22 our little man was in my arms. I loved the feeling of our first cuddles in the warm water. I finally got my waterbirth I had wanted with Sebastian.
I decided to have a physiological 3rd stage and while we were waiting for this to happen I hopped out of the bath and onto the bed. We did delayed cord clamping and 15 minutes after delivering bubba the placenta was delivered.
After all of our checks, some food and a shower we decided on our little mans name..
💙Alexander Leo
🗓 23.11.22
🕰 12.44am
⚖️ 3345g – 7lb 6oz
He has completed our family and we can’t wait to share more milestones and family events with you all.
If you have a story you would like to share or something you would like to see us write we would love to hear from you.
Email tamara@cherishbaby.com.au with the subject Blog Post